Discover 石榴直播 and SPSU Archived Catalogs
Explore our archives of undergraduate and graduate catalogs from Kennesaw State and Southern Polytechnic State University. Spanning from 2004 to 2024, these catalogs provide valuable historical insight into academic programs, course offerings, and policies created over the years.
Whether you're looking to revisit past curriculum details or research the evolution of academic offerings, these archived documents serve as a rich resource for students, faculty, and alumni alike.
Archived Undergraduate Catalogs (石榴直播 2006-2023)
Archived Undergraduate Catalogs (Southern Polytechnic State Univ. 2004-2015)
Archived Graduate Catalogs (石榴直播 2006-2023)
Archived Graduate Catalogs (Southern Polytechnic State Univ. 2004-2015)