QuickStart Job Output

When a job is submitted and completed, both an output and an error file is generated. These files are generated at the location where the job was started. The ".o" file will contain what was streamed to standard i/o during your job. The ".e" file contains any error text.

  • $ qsub myjob_script.pbs

    After the job completed, both files are created.


    If you choose to receive emails (#PBS -m abe), the path to these files will be included in the body of the job emails.

    PBS Job Id: 41880.roland
    Job Name: example_job
    Error_Path: hpcprdssh02:/data/home/your_netid/example_job.e41880
    Output_Path: hpcprdssh02:/data/home/tboyle/hpc/python/example_job.o41880


These two streams don鈥檛 have to be collected in separate files. If you prefer you can join them into one file using -j option in your job submission script.

#PBS -j oe

  • #!/bin/bash
    #PBS -N sleeptest
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
    #PBS -l walltime=00:5:00
    #PBS -m abe
    #PBS -M tboyle@kennesaw.edu
    #PBS -j oe

    JOBID=`echo $PBS_JOBID | cut -f1 -d.`

    #print the time and date

    #wait for 1 minute
    sleep 60

    #print the time and date?


In the working directory where qsub was started, there is now a new file (sleeptest.o41881) and if we take a look at it, we see both the output from the date command and the error output of the typo date (daet) command.

$ less sleeptest.o41881 
Wed Nov 17 09:58:46 EST 2021
/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/41880.roland.SC: line 17: daet: command not found