Georgia Research Alliance

The Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) Innovation & Entrepreneurship program is both proactive and responsive, helping universities spot the opportunity (i.e., identify discoveries and inventions that have market potential), then inviting researchers to apply for funding support.

Phase I Grants

The GRA provides preliminary Phase I grants (up to $50K) at the earliest stages of technology development, coinciding with an initial invention disclosure.

Phase I grants are awarded in two installments (1A and 1B) based on milestones reached. You do not need to have an incorporated company to apply for Phase 1 grants.

Activities undertaken in Phase I typically include:

  • Verifying the need for your proposed technology or product
  • Confirming the performance of your technology or product (through technical assessment or studies)
  • Investigating intellectual property for your project
  • Assessing regulatory and reimbursement strategies, as appropriate.

To qualify for GRA funding your project must include IP owned by the university and must be focused on creating a Georgia-based startup. Proposals are submitted to GRA directly by AVP for Innovation and Commercialization.

Please contact Interim Associate Vice President for Innovation and Commercialization and Director of Intellectual Property Development Chris Cornelison for more information.

Phase II Grants

GRA also provides Phase II grants (up to $100k) to spur the formation of companies. These grants require a dollar-for-dollar match from a commercially relevant entity or granting agency.